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Delicate stories tell of very strong ties between present and past

Fragile Stories | Courtesy Museo del Merletto, Venice

The exhibition Fragile Stories presents a series of works by Mandy Bonnell and Déirdre Kelly inspired by nature, prints, drawings and artist’s books characterised by a detailed intricacy that evoke absences and presences and allude to the perfection of the interwoven threads of a lace. The work constitutes a starting point for conversation with the lacemakers of the past, translating themes of fragility and durability into beautiful openwork cut out on fine papers and geographical maps using the aesthetic language of lace. Fragile Stories expresses the desire to embrace and participate in the rich creativity of the female hand always in tune with the delicate rhythms of nature, often - like lace itself - much stronger than it seems. Interacting with the traditions of the Burano lacemakers, Mandy Bonnell and Déirdre Kelly tell stories of intertwining and evoke journeys, superimposing new techniques on ancient crafts.

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